Registered traders on the site: 7336
TBT tokens in the system: 447 410 039
Products for trading: 22

TBT tokens

TBT tokens — Trading Bot Token.

Token smart contract: 0x8a11314e55f4d01f734ac3e294d7a2281bb2c778

Raffle of 1000 TBT tokens
This is not a casino and there is no need to engage in mining. If you want to win 1000 TBT tokens, risk 10 (ten). The drawing is held every Friday between participants who have signed up in the queue.

Raffle of 10,000 TBT tokens
This is not a casino and there is no need to engage in mining. If you want to win 10,000 TBT tokens, risk 100 (hundreds). The drawing is held every Friday between participants who have signed up in the queue.

Raffle of 1,000,000 TBT tokens
This is not a casino and there is no need to engage in mining. If you want to win 1,000,000 TBT tokens, risk 1,000 (one thousand). The drawing is held every Friday between participants who have signed up in the queue.

1 - 3 ( 3)

I created TBT tokens exclusively to pay for goods and services related to this project:

And nothing more. If you know how the market works, the mechanics of price delivery, as well as other “little things” and decide to participate in manipulations with the price of a token (earn money by increasing or decreasing its value) - this is your decision.

Start of open trading (purchases and sales): 10/13/2023 (the beginning has already passed).

You can now buy or sell tokens on the following exchanges:

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is this a scam?! We will all die someday. I do not recommend anyone buy, sell or hold any cryptocurrency. Do your own research and consult a financial advisor before making any investment decision.

How many tokens have been issued? 2200000000.0000000000000000000 (two billion two hundred million) and eighteen zeros after the decimal point.

Can I burn tokens and will I do so? I can burn tokens. No, I won’t burn tokens - I don’t see any point in it.

Can I reprint tokens and will I do this? I can reprint tokens. No, I won’t print additional tokens - there’s enough for everyone, believe me.

Why were the tokens issued? For you - exclusively to pay for goods and services related to this project. For me - for additional income and further development of the project (page "About the project" and at the bottom the paragraph "Development plan for the coming years").

Is the price of tokens regulated on exchanges and how? I do not take any part in controlling the price of tokens.

What is the recommended value of tokens? There is no recommended value. I assessed the cost of my goods and services in a tritely simple way: 1 TBT token is equal to 1 USDt. Those who really need it pay more. Anyone who doesn’t understand where they are at all doesn’t need it.

Brief instructions on how to add tokens to your wallet and then sell or buy

I like to use the 1inch platform, so I'll use that as an example. This can be done on their website or in applications for android and apple. Direct link to the page with applications On other exchanges all actions are the same the most. For a clearer understanding, below are unedited screenshots from the tablet.


1inch - getting started.

Click on the gear at the bottom right and go to “Settings”. I set the language to English so that everyone would understand. You choose a translation into the language that is closer to your understanding.

Gear at the bottom right - settings< /p>

This is what the “Settings” page looks like.

In the fifth section from the top, select the translation language you need.

Translation into other languages

Page with available translation languages.

Then return to “Settings” - the gear in the lower right corner of the page. And select in the third section from the top “Custom tokens” - custom tokens.

Add custom token

This is what the page for adding or removing custom tokens looks like.

At the top in the middle between the signs < and + select the BNB Chain blockchain network and enter the TBT token smart contract in the field 0x8a11314e55f4d01f734ac3e294d7a2281bb2c778

Warning and your consent

Warning and your consent.

On the screen above you will be asked: you swear to be with the token in joy and sorrow, sickness and health, in wealth and poverty, to love it and protect your union for the rest of your life.. Just kidding ;)

This is a warning about the risks that any person can issue any tokens (Bitcoin and supposedly Satoshi are no exception) and you understand and accept all the risks that may subsequently arise.

You agreed to be with the token until the end of your days

After you understand everything, check the box.

The import button is activated and after import the TBT token will be displayed in your wallet.

Information about the token

Token information.

You can also easily and quickly (break the previously given sacred oath to be together..) remove or add any other cryptocurrency.

Token in your wallet

Custom token in your wallet.

Go to the settings again and see the number 1 in the third section from the top. This is the number of custom tokens added.

Next, go to the main screen of the application - 1inch wallet. To do this, click on the wallet icon in the lower left corner - the opposite location relative to the gear.

Displaying the number of tokens and their approximate cost

Displays the number of tokens and their approximate value.

And if someone has already transferred them to your wallet address or you already had tokens, then you will see the same picture and then all the actions according to your wishes and desires. If you don’t want to do anything, you closed it and went on to cook borscht or wash the car.

If you want to send them to someone, send them to a wallet address in the same BNB Chain network. If you want to sell tokens or buy more, there are two options for how to do this. The first option is very fast and is always not profitable, since the fastest exchange will be offered at the average exchange rate that is available on other sites. The second option is very profitable, but not always quick to implement, since you set the selling or purchasing price yourself according to your “wants for your birthday.”

In any case, you need to click on Wednesday icon with arrows at the bottom of the page and go to the exchange page.

Selecting a cryptocurrency for quick exchange< /p>

Selecting cryptocurrency for exchange.

Select what you want to exchange for and then choose options:

  • fast and not profitable - SWAP
  • profitable but not fast - LIMIT

Quick exchange of TBT to USDt< /p>

Fast exchange of USDt to TBT.

This exchange rate corresponds to the pair, amount, date and time indicated in the screenshot!

Quick exchange of TBT to USDt< /p>

Fast exchange of TBT to USDt.

This exchange rate corresponds to the pair, amount, date and time indicated in the screenshot!

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the rate, go to the limit orders tab and act according to your convictions.

Limit order TBT for USDt

Limit order TBT for USDt.

Limit order USDt for TBT

USDt limit order for TBT.

Set the value of one coin relative to another and select the validity period of the order, the maximum period is three years.

In both options (SWAP and LIMIT), you must have a certain amount of BNB coins on your wallet balance to pay the transfer fee (buying and selling is, oddly enough, a transfer from one wallet to another). You can see the commission amount when you sign orders. If you are not satisfied with it, you have the right not to pay it and do nothing.

That's how it all works ;)

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